Unlike American Idol, we are very forthright in the voting results and will give you exact votes and who won.
First of all, thanks to everyone who voted, considering we only mentioned this on air twice on Sunday and I tweeted about it a few times yesterday and today..we recieved 1398 votes, which is a nice total considering it’s the first time we’ve ever had a poll on the site.
I had no idea how this would turn out and what category would win, although I assumed it would be the one that was half local bands and half novelty songs, well, that got the least of amount of votes! Tells you what i know about my listeners.
Here are the results of the poll..
All Novelty Songs 647 votes (46%)
Normal Free Form Mayhem 549 votes (39%)
Local unsigned bowl of rocknroll 175 votes (13%)
Half Novelty/Half Unsigned 27 votes (2%)
All novetly songs it will be!! Expect some treats! I will be channeling my inner Dr. Demento and thensome!